Easter in Ada

Growing up Easter along with many other holidays were very big deals in my family, with everyone meeting at the ranch and spending the weekend together enjoying everyone's company, doing Easter egg hunts, and other general ranch activities. As all the cousins got older the activities changed but the general idea stays the same, everyone spending time together at the ranch over Easter weekend. This tradition lives on and from what I saw and what I was told it was another great Easter weekend. However since I have been in school for the past four Easters I haven't been able to attend the family festivities and gotten to spend it in Ada. Some of y'all might be thinking how awful that sounds and others likely think its not bad at all. Well if you ask me it is not bad at all.
Lucky for me I live in a house with eight other guys and of those eight 5 of them are from out of state and like me got the spend Easter weekend in Ada as well as some Columbus guys that didn't want to go home. Our weekend was comprised mostly of sitting around watching tv, eating, and just hanging out with the fellas. One of the highlights of my Easter break was the Easter Dinner we had, one of our friends who also stayed in town decided to make a nice Dinner for the guys that were still in Ada. She made and incredible meal of salad, stuffed shells, meatballs, ham, and deviled eggs. A great meal for a great holiday.
What I've learned in the past few years not being able to make it to the family holidays is that the location has nothing to do with you having a good time or enjoying your holidays but rather who you're spending it with and also what you are doing. As long as you have a good group of folks to spend your time with any and every holiday away from home will be just as good as spending time with family.


  1. That sounds like so much fun! I'm lucky to have a large family on my dad's side. We go over to my cousin's house out in the country and have a big celebration. There's always lots of food and lots of people to stand around and talk to. I had a great Easter break but it never seems to last long enough. Soon we'll all be back to the old grind until school is out.

  2. Wow this sounds like a really good idea to spend the holiday with your friends instead of your family. I may look into doing this some day depending on if I am not able to go visit my family. But they also say that your closest friends can also be considered your family!

  3. Sounds like your family is very close knit! It must be hard missing out on family events. It's great you found a group of "fellas" you enjoy spending time with. Like Max said in the above comment, sometimes your friends become family. Especially if you are far from your family - which it sounds like you are. I bet your family is so excited when you are able to join them for holiday festivities.


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