Social Media for Strategic Communication Recap

As the semester starts to come to an end and as we finish Karen Freburg's  text book Social Media for Strategic Communication I think it would be good to recap and look back as some things that I learned and things I found interesting in her book. 
Karen's book covered a wide range of different topics all somewhat related to social media, from do's and don't's of content creation to the best ways to pay for your advertisements on social media. The amount of information covered in this book is very impressive, if you have a question about social media any facet of social media you can likely find the answer to that question in this book. 
I think what I enjoyed most about the readings we had to do for class were the interviews at the beginning of every chapter. I found it very interesting the different routes and ways social media professionals have gotten into the positions they are currently in. It seems as if most if not all social media professionals did not expect to end up in the position they did. These interviews told the reader all about where the professional started, how they got there and most if not all gave the reader tips on how to best find themselves in a similar situation. The advise that many different professionals offered to the reader really boiled down to getting experience within the industry. In today's industry the biggest selling point a potential new hire can have is experience and the more of that the more likely you are to get hired. 
All in all I think this book was a pretty good text book and has a lot of good information to offer not only to people that want to work professionally within the industry but also people that just want to get their social media game up.  


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