Chapter 10: Measurement, Evaluation, Budget, and Calendar

Like every other chapter in this book it starts out with the personal accounts of someone in the social media world and their personal accounts. Chapter ten we talk to Dennis Yu, the Chief Technology Officer at BlitzMetrics but he didn't start out there. He actually got his start at American Airlines and worked closely with the CEO Al Casey who gave Dennis some great advice which was to focus more on his learning curve rather than his salary curve, Dennis took this advice were seriously and turned down what could have been a great career at Goldman Sachs. What Dennis ended up doing is going into social media advertisement, specifically analysis of the metrics given by social media platforms. Like the title of this blog suggests chapter ten is about Measurement, Evaluation, budget, and calendar.
The first part of the chapter goes over both measurement and evaluation because those two really go hand and hand with each other however they are not the same. Measurement is the observation of certain designated amounts that show the and reflects change in specific categories.  While evaluation is more of observing the value of certain actions in campaigns and or strategies. That being said understanding what your measurements are telling you can give you a hint as to what will and won't work as will evaluation.
The next section of this chapter is budget and budgeting. The biggest thing to learn from the budgeting section of this chapter is to understand that no matter how much money is thrown at bad content you wont experience an increase in any way. With that information it is suggested to make investments in programs and software that would help create better content. The biggest idea in this section is that you will get out what you put in within the social media world. The more you try, put effort in, and invest in tools to make your media better the better your media will come out.
The last section in chapter 10 is Calendar, 


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