Chapter 6: Strategic Planning For Social Media

Like every other chapter this chapter starts off with the story and a small interview of a social media professional. This chapter spotlights the Clemson University Associate Director of Creative Media Jeffrey Kallin. He talks about his start in social media and how it probably is not exactly where he thought he might be when he was in college, his degree is actually in parks, and tourism management. But I am certain that Jefferey is beyond happy where his life has taken him as he talks about how much he loves his job and how much his teams mean to him you can tell that Jeffery loves what he does and loves the people he does it with.
Chapter six is all about strategic planning in social media, the chapter goes in depth on what strategic management is and the different components of strategic management. The different components are background information, brand voice, vision and mission, environmental scan analysis, client or company in focus, social media communication audit, situational analysis, SWOT, goals, objectives, key audience members, strategies and tactics, evaluation, budget, and lastly calendar.
Background information is the research of past events in an effort to understand better what is going on in an organization and how to best communicate with their audience. Brand voice is the tone used in posts and how that person/ company/ entity communicate with their followers. vision and mission is where the folks behind the social media page want the page to go and how they want the page to look and feel. Environmental scan analysis helps the people behind the page evaluate the social media landscape. client and company focus is fairly self explanatory it is where the company wants the social media page to go and where they see it in the future. the communication audit is likely one of the most important portions of social media media, it is the evaluation of their followers social media to find evolving characteristics to better communicate with ones audience.  situational analysis is what helps organize all of the information that you have gathered from the past and what it means. SWOT is strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats. Goals are obviously the goals of the social media page, objectives are the steps taken to reach those goals. key audience members is like the demographic of your social media page. strategies and tactics are how and what you'll do in your post and how you'll make your posts will stand out. evaluation is evaluating and analyzing your social media to make sure that you are doing what you identified that you wanted to do with your social media in the earlier stages. budget goes into how much it costs to get into a social media platform and how much is needed to compete in the market. Lastly calendar, calendar is the time of year that you will do things and other aspects of social media based on the time of the year.
chapter six had a lot to offer and mounds of information, put into perspective how social media professionals do their job ans what it entails. 


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