The Art of Social Media chapter 11 and 12
This week we continue reading Guy Kawasaki's book The Art of Social Media. I read the last two chapters this week chapter eleven titled How to Optimize for Individual Platforms and chapter twelve How to Put Everything Together. As you might think chapter eleven offers insights on how to best use different types of social media platforms as none of them are the same and can be used in different ways, and chapter twelve is somewhat of a recap of the book and strings all the chapters together in an attempt to show that everything you learn in this book being used correctly will garner a very effective social media presence.
Chapter 11 offered a lot of good information, it offered information on how to effectively use the big five social media platforms Facebook, twitter, Instagram, google plus and linked in and also slide share. What I thought the most interesting tip for optimizing Facebook is to experiment with it, Facebook has been around for what feels like ages and I would have thought there would be a spelled out process that would result in the most effective Facebook postings however that is far from the case. For google plus the most interesting thing I observed is the amount of information about google plus in this book as it is not a very popular social media platform. What I found interesting in the Instagram portion and what has popped up in other sections of this chapter is to connect all of your platforms and share all your posts on all of your platforms. For linked in all of the information was new to me as I do not use and have never used LinkedIn, and the same for slide share.
In chapter twelve I thought it was interesting that Guy wrote about a specific scenario as he thought it touched most if not all aspects he has covered in his book. They start by building the foundations on each of the platforms updating all of their information, avatars and make sure that their audience has the ability to reach all of their pages. Then they “amass their digital assets” or in other words create all forms of content to promote, explain and tease their audience about the book. Then once all of that is done they go to market which hopefully results in a very successful book launch.
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