chapter 9-10

This week we read chapters nine and ten of Guy Kawasaki’s book The Art of Social Media: Power TIps for Power Users. Chapter nine is titled how to rock a twitter chat and is about just that, how to effectively use the chat feature of twitter. Chapter ten is titled How to Avoid Looking Clueless.
In chapter nine the use of twitter chat is outlined and explained which I thought was pretty cool, I don’t think I have ever used this feature on twitter and I can see how it would be an effective means of communicating with those tuning into your event, or reading your content. Guy specifically outlines seven aspects of the twitter chat that will help you “rock the chat” they are:
  • Use the Right Tools
  • Picking a Short Evergreen Hashtag
  • Making sure your guests are prepared
  • Typing quickly
  • When responding to an individual @ him or her
  • Advertise for this event
  • And be able and ready to summarize your twitter chat once it is over to help promote future chats you may have.
Chapter ten titled How to Avoid Looking Clueless and it goes into ways to ensure you always know to the best of your ability what you are talking about and also to make sure you don’t make a fool of yourself. Guy did a similar thing in this chapter as he’s done in all of his other chapters and broke the information down into several main topics and then explained said topics further. The topics he used in this chapter are:

  • Don’t be an orifice
  • Don’t tell people what they should and shouldn’t share
  • Do not buy followers likes or anything of that sort
  • Don’t ask people to follow you (which confused me because earlier in the book it said to do the opposite)
  • Don’t ask folks to share the posts you’ve already made, if they feel it is worth sharing they will
  • Do not announce your unfollows, there is no reason to alienate someone because they don’t follow you, and also don’t ask people why they unfollowed you
  • Don’t be a pimp, social media can be a great medium to promote yourself or products but people don’t want to be bombarded with ads from your page
  • Swearing is a no no if you’d like to remain credible.
  • Don’t claim to know everything about everything, there will always be someone out there that knows more or at least claims to know more. Also there is always going to be something you don’t know you can use social media to add to your knowledge.
  • Lastly take control of your own social media, or have a professional take care of it


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