
Social Media for Strategic Communication Recap

As the semester starts to come to an end and as we finish Karen Freburg's  text book Social Media for Strategic Communication I think it would be good to recap and look back as some things that I learned and things I found interesting in her book.  Karen's book covered a wide range of different topics all somewhat related to social media, from do's and don't's of content creation to the best ways to pay for your advertisements on social media. The amount of information covered in this book is very impressive, if you have a question about social media any facet of social media you can likely find the answer to that question in this book.  I think what I enjoyed most about the readings we had to do for class were the interviews at the beginning of every chapter. I found it very interesting the different routes and ways social media professionals have gotten into the positions they are currently in. It seems as if most if not all social media professionals did not e

Fake News in Sri Lanka

After the horrible events that transpired in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday there is a temporary block of many social media sites in an effort to stop the spread of fake or inaccurate news. This was first discovered by a group that monitors internet censorship when they came across this new blockage of content. When asked about the block the Sri Lankan government both claims that the social media blackout was their doing and explains  their reasoning behind their doings. The Sri Lankan government blocked social media for what I think is a very good reason. That reason being the attempt to stop the premature spread of fake and or fraudulent news. The issue that is fake news has become a much larger issue than ever before making it very difficult for the readers, listeners, and watchers to know what is accurate and inaccurate.  I think that the Sri Lankan government blocking social media in and out of their country is a very good idea, it limits the possible sources of fake news availab

Rematch of the Year

Earlier this year The ONU Mens Lacrosse team suffered a tough loss against the capital crusaders at home, The final score was 11-9 and the polar bears were doing their best to mount a come back but fell short. The bears were riding the momentum from a two goal run as time expired and as a team we really had a desire to play that team again. Luckily the stars aligned and the bears are set to play the crusaders in the first round of the Ohio Athletic Conference playoffs. The crusaders had an impressive stent in conference going 9-0 and getting the first place seed, while the Polar bears went a less than perfect 6-3 but squeaked out the fourth seed in a head to head tie breaker against Otterbein. The first round of the OAC playoffs features capital vs ONU and Baldwin Wallace vs John Carroll, the games will be played in Columbus at Capital and in University Heights at Baldwin Wallace. The Capital vs ONU game will be held on this Tuesday April 30th and the John Carroll Baldwin Wallace ga

Chapter 11: Social Media is Applied Exploring Different Specializations part 1

This chapter like all of the others starts off with the story of a social media professional and how they got into the social media market. This week the story of Russ Wilde, Russ works on the marketing team at Thuzio and is also the president of Front Office Sports. Russ got his start in social media when he joined the Front Office Sports team in 2014, when he joined he almost instantly saw some success as he quickly grew the follower base from 200 people to a few thousand people. Russ is an influencer and one that understands very well how social media works, the different specializations, and the people that use these platforms. like mentioned above the social media world is split into many different specializations and for each specialization social media can be utilized in different ways, however the main idea in every specialization is to build hype for the event, person, thing that you're using social media for. The entertainment industry does a good job of applying social

The Power of Social Media

Last week something that no one could have thought would happen happened, the Notre Dame Cathedral Caught fire and and much of the steeple burned down. The Cathedral that is a national landmark located in Paris France was blanketed across every news program and social media platform. Within minutes of the news breaking and the world seeing what has happened many money raising efforts were formed to help fund the rebuilding of the Notre Dame Cathedral. However these money raising efforts did not get far before sever backlash. With the amount of money being donated to this effort many people have raised the question why do we spend and donate our money towards this effort when we well know that the catholic church is not hurting for money in the slightest, and also where this amount of money would be spent and utilized in a more effective way. I personally have heard a lot of different ideas like using the millions of dollars to help the less fortunate work their way out of poverty, or

Easter in Ada

Growing up Easter along with many other holidays were very big deals in my family, with everyone meeting at the ranch and spending the weekend together enjoying everyone's company, doing Easter egg hunts, and other general ranch activities. As all the cousins got older the activities changed but the general idea stays the same, everyone spending time together at the ranch over Easter weekend. This tradition lives on and from what I saw and what I was told it was another great Easter weekend. However since I have been in school for the past four Easters I haven't been able to attend the family festivities and gotten to spend it in Ada. Some of y'all might be thinking how awful that sounds and others likely think its not bad at all. Well if you ask me it is not bad at all. Lucky for me I live in a house with eight other guys and of those eight 5 of them are from out of state and like me got the spend Easter weekend in Ada as well as some Columbus guys that didn't want

15 Ways to Fail at Social Media

Social Media often seems easy and that really anyone could do it and do well at it. Well let me tell you that is not the case. I was reading articles today and found an info-graphic titled 15 Ways to Fail at Social media. The 15 ways are, bragging, being anti social, treating social media as a side project, being inconsistent, ignoring your followers, automation gone wrong, not measuring, talking their ears off, being oblivious to current events, forgetting people buy from people, repeating yourself, winging it, providing useless content, being sloppy, and lastly not taking social media seriously. A lot of these 15 ways can be condensed together as they cover similar topics for example providing useless content, being sloppy and not taking social media seriously are all very interconnected. if you take social media seriously and know your audience you likely will not write or share content that they don't want to see, along the same lines if you take it seriously and take pride in